For an Appointment Call: (209) 468-6820
Appointment Center and After Hours: (209) 953-6400 | Emergencies: 9-1-1
For an Appointment Call: (209) 468-6820
Appointment Center and After Hours: (209) 953-6400 | Emergencies: 9-1-1

Mobile Health Center

SJ Health’s Community Health Initiative

SJ Health is committed to building a healthier community. One of its priorities is creating positive health outcomes by increasing access to care, providing additional resources, and strengthening community partnerships.

Honoring its commitment, SJ Health established mobile health services to bridge gaps between people and health care providers.

Mobile Health Services

Teams of providers, nurses, medical assistants and community health workers are deployed to locations where services are needed. Services include:

  • Primary Care
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Wound Care
  • STD Testing and Treatment
  • Women’s Health
  • Social Services and Health Education
  • Addiction Medicine

Mobile Clinic

SJ Health maintains a fleet of vehicles converted into one exam room clinics. They are scheduled to provide services at specific locations on a regular basis. No appointments needed. The current schedule for mobile clinics is as follows:

Wednesdays, 9am-12pm: St. John’s Episcopal Church
316 N El Dorado Street, STOCKTON

Thursdays, 9am – 12pm: Gospel Center Rescue Mission,
204 E Sonora Street, STOCKTON

1st Tuesday of the Month: 9am -1pm
Tracy Shelter, 370 W. Arbor Avenue, TRACY

2nd Tuesday of the Month: 9am – 1pm
Stockton Alliance Church, 825 W. Highmoor Avenue, STOCKTON

3rd Tuesday of the Month: 9am – 1pm
Tracy Shelter, 370 W. Arbor Avenue, TRACY

Thursdays, 9am-2pm: Patient Access Center
Patient Access Center, 900 D Street, MODESTO

Walking Clinics – Street Medicine

Mobile Health Teams also do Walking Clinics (aka Backpack Clinics), mostly to serve patients who live in areas that can only be reached on foot. These include dry sloughs, encampments (tent or RV communities) by railroad tracks, open fields, and other areas where many people experiencing homelessness may live. Whenever possible, a mobile unit is used.

Street Medicine expands SJ Health’s ability to serve the needs of a patient population that experiences more barriers to getting the medical care and non-clinical support they need. Non-clinical support may include obtaining identification or documentation, education about health topics, navigating services and appointments including transportation to medical appointments, referrals or support in getting housing and more. We are providers of Cal-AIM Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports.

Special Clinics

Mobile Health Teams may also hold special clinics for testing, vaccination or health screenings at various locations such as community centers, schools, and other neighborhood hubs.
Special clinics for SJ Health patients may also be scheduled to help patients meet specific health care requirements. This may include chronic disease management screenings, well-child visits and vaccinations, enrollment requirements for students, and more.

Community Engagement

SJ Health is committed to serving overall health goals for San Joaquin County and is actively engaged in coalitions and partnerships with other county agencies, health care systems and community-based organizations.

SJ Health is a member of the San Joaquin County Health Collaborative and leads the Binational Health Coalition.

SJ Health participates in community events, initiatives and activities. Community Health Workers can provide health education, health promotion, outreach and presentations to specific communities regarding relevant health topics.

Requests for SJ Health participation may be sent to: Charles Fregoso,