For an Appointment Call: (209) 468-6820
Appointment Center and After Hours: (209) 953-6400 | Emergencies: 9-1-1
For an Appointment Call: (209) 468-6820
Appointment Center and After Hours: (209) 953-6400 | Emergencies: 9-1-1

Pediatric Primary Care

Pediatric Primary Care Providers

Go to the patient care portal to learn more about our Pediatric Care Providers.

Patricia Apolinario, MD
Rob Harriz, MD
Mamta Jain, MD
Rosemary Nunez-Davis, MD
Patara Rojanavongse, MD
Neeta Shroff, MD
Narinder Singh, MD
Alfred Troncales, MD
Imeline Troncales, MD